Donald Loignon


Donald Loignon Faces the Hard Path

The Éclaireur-Progrès/ Beauce Nouvelle, December 21, 1996   Musikart He Will Release His First Album Donald Loignon Faces the Hard Path By Simon Busque If everything goes as planned, guitarist Donald Loignon from Saint-Georges will release his first album next February. He has been working on it for over a year and is eager to […]


L’Éclaireur-Progrès/ Beauce Nouvelle, April 15, 1995   Donald Loignon from Saint-Georges has been wearing down his fingers on a guitar for 15 years. Believe me, he’s come a long way. A demo featuring two instrumental tracks recently recorded at Studio La Sphère showcases his dexterity and speed.   “Stranger For Ever” is currently playing on […]