The Musician
The magazine for musicians and audio professionals

May / June 1997


Here is the very first album by guitarist Donald Loignon, where he performs his own instrumental compositions alongside bassist Jean Bolduc and drummer Maxime Veilleux. His pieces, dominated by electric guitar, do not fit into a specific style, blending elements of classical rock, rock fusion, and hard rock, as well as blues and ballads. The guitarist does not follow a set direction but rather relies on what he feels while working on techniques and chords.


Title: Master of Your Destiny
Tracks: Twelve (43 min 42 s)
Musicians: Donald Loignon (electric and acoustic guitar), Jean Bolduc (bass), Maxime Veilleux (drums)
Compositions: Donald Loignon
Recording: Studio Séquence
Sound Engineer: Yves Drolet
Mixing: Yves Drolet, assisted by Donald Loignon and Nathalie Pouliot
Production: Donald Loignon
Distribution: GAM (Groupe Archambault Musique) and HMV
Catalog Number: DLCD 9703