
Nostalgie – Donald Loignon
Compositions Maître de son destin
12 September 2008 • 04:12
Music composed by Donald Loignon
Donald Loignon – Guitar
Jean Bolduc – Bass
Maxime Veilleux – Drums
Studio Séquence – Recording and mixing
Fernand Loignon
November 14, 1972 – 39 years old
Just as the sound of a coffin lid closing on a loved one is unbearable for us, so is the weight of earth on a face that once kissed them unbearable for a child. Equally intolerable is the thought of a body that once held you in its arms now decomposing.” When my father passed away, I hadn’t realized the magnitude of what had happened. Often, we believe our loved ones are eternal, which sometimes makes us fail to appreciate them fully or savor the present moment in their company. Today, I think of my father with nostalgia. I wish I had had the chance to know him better. I find comfort in the firm belief that he is still watching over me.
This instrumental album, released in 1997, includes 12 compositions and was recorded at Studio Séquence in Quebec. In 1996, Donald Loignon completed his first rock instrumental album titled Master of Your Destiny, also recorded at Studio Séquence. This album is the fulfillment of his dream, inspired by legends like Eddie Van Halen, Gary Moore, Randy Rhoads, and Yngwie Malmsteen. Special thanks to Jean Bolduc on bass, Maxine Veilleux on drums, and Marc Poirier on guitar for their performances on stage.